Webinar.08 Mar 2022, 14:00 - 16:00 CET

Women in water diplomacy: Second strategy development consultation

Session recording

On International Women's Day, we invite members and partners of the Women in water diplomacy network for this second consultation.

Women in water dipomacy - second strategy meeting
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The need for more women in water diplomacy is universal. This consultation will explore opportunities to develop a community of practice for women water diplomats in other regions and basins, drawing upon the experience of the Network’s development in the Nile as well as the process and Central Asia and Afghanistan.

Water diplomacyGender and water
08 Mar 2022, 14:00 - 16:00 CET
To register, please contact
Woman in orange shirt with bright blue braids and pink lipstick with a broad smile
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Julienne Ndjiki
Programme Officer
Transboundary Water Cooperation
+ 27 (0) 61 441 6418

This consultation follows the first Women in Water Diplomacy Network Leadership Council and Nile and Beyond Strategy launch event, that was hosted online by the Swedish Embassy in Pretoria on 14 December 2021.

Watch the first session