News.Dec 01, 2016

Call for an African Water Revolution

Africa is the global Ground Zero for issues of water and hunger. Arid conditions, changing rain patterns and a population explosion make achieving SDG 2 (End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture) a massive challenge. From the outcomes of the Malin Falkenmark Symposium at World Water Week in Stockholm 2016, Prof. Falkenmark and a group of world-renowned hydro-climate experts call for a paradigm shift on a continental scale towards a Triple Green Revolution.

About 40 per cent of sub-Saharan Africa is semi-arid or dry sub-humid, conditions that are exacerbated by climate change and ecosystem degradation causing major water shocks on a continent with a population projected to grow by up to 2 billion this century.

With dwindling access to blue (rivers, irrigation) water, a paradigm shift towards integrated green (rain water) and blue water use is needed across the continent to achieve the SDGs. Prof. Falkenmark along with a group of world-renowned hydro-climate scientists and experts are calling for an African Water Revolution – based on green water – that builds water resilience for sustainable development.

The proposed Revolution relies on a triple green approach – green for green water, green for productivity, green for sustainability.

Read the Outcomes document to find out more about the revolution, its required actions and the rationale.