Oct 17, 2017

ICWC Water Dialogues: Disturbed, desirable or damaging? Transformation of hydro-social processes

Welcome to the seventh seminar in the Water Dialogues series, co-hosted by the International Centre for Water Cooperation (ICWC) and SIWI Swedish Water House.

Date: 2017-10-20 | Time: 12:00 – 13:00
Place: SIWI office Conference room “Ocean”, Linnégatan 87A, 5th floor, Stockholm
Registration: RSVP here | Contact: johan.karlsson@siwi.org 

In the face of climate change, does transformation yield the results we expect?

Governing water has always been a wicked problem. But now, climate change further adds complexity to the way humans use and manage water. While there are no generic solutions, it has been suggested that by transforming these processes of use and management, we may be better able to cope with risks and uncertainties.

This presentation critically examines what such transformations might look like and to what extent they can be different from existing adaptive measures. What unintended consequences can transformations lead to and who are winners and losers?

Cases are presented from a subnational catchment in Tanzania as well as the transboundary Mekong basin.

About the speaker

Dr Naho Mirumachi is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Geography, King’s College London, UK. She leads King’s Water, an interdisciplinary research hub on water, environment and development. Her research focuses on politics and governance of the water resources and is the author of Transboundary Water Politics in the Developing World, published by Routledge in 2015. Naho co-chairs the Water Governance core group of the Sustainable Water Futures Programme, Future Earth and currently involved in the UNEP GEO-6 report as a lead author. She also has experience in training policy makers on water security and water cooperation.


12:00 Welcome, Swedish Water House
12:05 Introduction, Dr. Therese Sjömander Magnusson, Director, Transboundary Water Management, SIWI.
12:10 Presentation, Dr. Naho Mirumachi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, King’s College, London, UK.
12:40 Discussion, Dr. Phillia Restiani, Programme Manager, Transboundary Water Management, SIWI.
13:00 Closing

Event hashtags: @icwc_se @swewaterhouse #waterdialogues #watercooperation

About the ICWC Water Dialogues

The ICWC is an independent research institute hosted by SIWI, and is delivered in partnership with the Swedish Government and UNESCO. The Water Dialogues aim to deepen understanding of transboundary waters as a catalyst for cooperation in Sweden.