S2S Platform at the 7th World Water Forum: Green investment for blue economy

During the World Water Forum-7, the Action Platform for Source to Sea Management (S2S Platform) organized a session on “Green Investment for Blue Economy – Managing sources for coastal and marine water quality improvements” as part of theme 3.3 Ensuring water quality from Ridge to Reef. The session advanced the discussion on the challenges and opportunities in governance, capacity, financing and monitoring of sources of pollution and their downstream impacts and contributed to the recognition of the importance of coordination between the governance and management of freshwater, land and marine systems and prevention of the pollution of surface, ground and coastal waters and oceans in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Recommendations to the Ministers at the 7th World Water Forum.
The S2S Platform was established at the WWW in 2014 by key actors from the freshwater, coastal and marine communities to support integrated and innovative approaches to governance and management from source to sea. SIWI acts as Chair of the S2S Platform and is responsible for its secretariat function.