Oct 31, 2016

SIWI at COP22: Water management for business success and climate resilience

On November 8, 2016, SIWI and CDP will host an event targeting the need for responsible water management in business. As the climate changes and water becomes an increasingly scarce resource, businesses need to modify their practices towards climate resilience in order to ensure sustained profitability. In this event, we provide examples of success and demonstrate tools to help businesses grow their resilience.


Implementing the Paris Agreement will require coordinated multistakeholder action. Business leaders have already raised the issue of water stewardship in the global climate change dialogue, recognizing the significant risk that water insecurity places on their continued success. Companies, as a result, have raised their climate and water ambitions when planning future business strategies.

Investments in climate resilient water infrastructure provides the potential for investors and other private actors to influence while generating profit. According to the World Economic Forum Risk Report 2016, water ranked top risk in terms of impacts (World Economic Forum, 2016). A recent World Bank publication also indicates that water hazards and lack of proper water policies and management can account for a more than six per cent loss in GDP for some countries.

Event Objective:

In this event, the Swedish textile industry will showcase best practice through the Swedish Textile Water Initiative (STWI) project. CDP will present its analysis of more than 600 companies that are working to enhance resilience while maintaining and improving competitive advantage. Other visionary business leaders will present their contributions to stable, climate resilient communities.

This event will be webcast by Nordic Co-operation. Visit their website for more details.

Visit our SIWI at COP page for a complete overview of our events and participation.