SIWI hosts participants from the Swedish Institute Management Programme Africa (SIMP)
October 22, SIWI was proud to host participants from the Swedish Institute Management Programme Africa (SIMP).

The Swedish Institute together with KPMG launched the leadership programme for progressive leaders from Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Zambia in order to create a unique platform for exchange and knowledge sharing, with focus on sustainable business building on corporate responsibility.
The ultimate goal of the training is to build a robust international network of emerging leaders who can strengthen relations and business ties between selected countries in Africa and Sweden in the years to come. By bringing together individuals of remarkable accomplishments in their mid-career, the programme aims to challenge their approaches, reinforce professional skills, deepen cross-cultural perspectives and unite them in a long-lasting and active network.
SIWI took the opportunity to inform and discuss with the participants the importance of good water governance and how water is one of the absolute key aspects in Corporate Sustainable Responsibility work.
Participants from the SIMP programme and SIWI’s Executive Director Torgny Holmgren and Programme Manager Charlotte Köhler Lindahl.