Student Michael Nyirenda wins Swedish Junior Water Prize for glacier study with global potential
Michael Nyirenda is the Swedish finalist to Stockholm Junior Water Prize for his study on a glacier in Northern Sweden. Michael will represent Sweden in the international final where students from over 30 countries participate.
In his study, Michael measured the mass balance of Storglaciären in Tarfala, Northern Sweden, to determine what effects a rise in global temperature would have on the glacier.
The Jury emphasized that Michael successfully had linked his project to the global importance of fresh water resources and that the findings have potential to save water resources in highly populated and poor areas around the world.
– These measurements can be used to gain better control over future problems in Africa, Asia and South America where glaciers affect water resource management on a large scale, said Anders Nordström, Jury Chair for the prize.
This summer, Michael will compete against young people from over 30 countries across the globe in the international final of Stockholm Junior Water Prize. The final is arranged by SIWI and takes place during World Water Week in Stockholm, the world’s leading conference to discuss global water issues.
About Swedish Junior Water Prize
The Swedish Junior Water Prize has been awarded yearly since 1995 with the aim to increase young people’s engagement in water and environment issues. The prize is part of the competition Utställningen Unga Forskare organised by Förbundet Unga Forskare (FUF), which takes place every year at the National Museum of Science and Technology in Stockholm. Sponsors for the prize are Xylem and Tyréns. House of Science is partner to the prize. Read more (in Swedish).
About Förbundet Unga Forskare (FUF)
Förbundet Unga Forskare (FUF) is a non-profit youth association focusing on natural science and technology. The association’s aim is to give young people conditions to develop their interest for natural science and technology. Utställningen Unga Forskare is the association’s oldest activity. Read more (in Swedish).