Climate Change and Water Resource Policies Among Major Donor Organizations
This paper is a report of the current (2009) policy frameworks on water resources and climate change among major donor organizations and indicate areas that could be strengthened and/or gaps to fill in these two policy areas.
The policy assessment findings that emerged from this report intends to deliver a strategic summary of the current policy frameworks on water resources and climate change among major donor organizations (DANIDA, DFID, DGIS, GTZ, SDS, and USAID) and indicate areas that could be strengthened and/or gaps to fill in these two policy areas.
This report was produced by the Stockholm International Water Institute with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). SIWI is solely responsible for the content, design and views represented in the report. The views and information presented in the report are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Sida.