Future Dams – Recommendations to Swedish Stakeholders on Implementing “Dams and Development”
This report was developed and written by the Swedish Committee for Water and Dam Issues (SKVD), a dialogue process between representatives from Swedish developers, consulting companies, authorities, financers, non-govern-mental organisations, research institutions and indigenous peoples. It contains recommendations for Swedish actors implementation of Dams and Development, A New Frame-work for Decision-Making, which was launched by the World Commission on Dams (WCD) in November 2000.

The discussions within the committee have been fruitful, and the participants have learned from one another.A common vision has often been easy to achieve, but differing values, opinions and vocabularies have demanded considerable time in order to achieve consensus. The committee members have participated with the consent of their respective organisations, but primarily as individual experts.
As individuals, we take responsibility for the values, attitudes and opinions mirrored in the recommendations. The collaboration within the group has worked very well. The network created through the dialogue process can be used in the future for improved contacts between the actors. Future Dams is an interpretation into Swedish context of Dams and Development, that can be downloaded from www.dams.org . Also available on that site is information about the workbehind the report within the framework of the World Commission on Dams. Several countries have initiated national follow up initiatives to implement the WCD recommendations. UNEP supports their work and coordinates international discussions through the Dams and Development Project. Follow these processes on www.unep.org/dams