
Source to Sea Platform Progress Report 2023

Ruth Mathews
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Ruth Mathews
Senior Manager,
Water Cooperation and Diplomacy
Jose murillo
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José Pablo Murillo
Programme Manager,
Water Cooperation and Diplomacy
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Dana Dedeck
Programme Officer,
Water Cooperation and Diplomacy

The Progress Report conveys a growing momentum for the interest in and adoption of source-to-sea management, supported through key advances in the engagement of new partners in the delivery of the 2021-2025 Strategic Aims and the recognition of the need for and benefits of source-to-sea management in important global fora.

Underwater sea turtle
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As the impact and influence of the S2S Platform is the full combination of efforts by the Secretariat, the Steering Committee, and S2S Platform partners, the results reported here should be seen as a collection of highlights where the Secretariat has been involved or informed. The report does not include all the source-to-sea related activities and outcomes collectively achieved by the S2S Platform partners.

2023 marked yet another busy and exciting year for the S2S Platform filled international events, including activity highlights such as:

  • The UN Water Conference showcased an enhanced understanding of the necessity for holistic collaborative management approaches, such as source-to-sea. Source-to-sea featured prominently in the official program and in various side events; further demonstrating greater acceptance of the need for the holistic source-to-sea management approach to achieve the 2030 Agenda.
  • The 22nd Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) Consultative Meeting, which for the first time included the participation of river basin organizations along with their associated LMEs, facilitated dialogue and led to the strengthening of involved parties. Among the outcomes was the establishment of a trilateral cooperation mechanism for the Danube River, the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea. This mechanism was incorporated into the Portorož Ministerial Declaration adopted at the 23rd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention.
  • The renewal of the Steering Committee of the S2S Platform through a competitive voting process that resulted in the election of the 2023-2026 members which includes two primarily ocean focused organizations for the first time.
  • The strengthening of the relationship between the ocean and freshwater communities, resulting in a first ever cross-pavilion event being held between the Water for Climate Pavilion and Ocean Pavilion at the UNFCCC COP28, bringing together the water and ocean communities to unite around climate action.
  • Continued engagement of S2S Platform partners and supporters through hosting four Partners in the Round calls, publishing three newsletters and hosting four Steering Committee meetings.