Stockholm Water Front No 1 2013
In this issue, Stockholm Water Front had the opportunity to hear the thoughts from those deeply engaged in this process who explain why a ‘water goal’ is something we should aim for. During the International Year of Water Cooperation, we do see more collaboration emerging between governments, the private sector, academia and civil society. As you can read about here, this is especially important, but can also be exceptionally challenging, in water stressed regions like the Lower Jordan River.

Our blue planet is at a most interesting crossroad. Water challenges continue to grow more pressing as demand for finite resources escalates due to both population and economic growth. The requirements to produce more food and energy, as well as the variability of water availability, are putting our water resources under significant stress. Demand from manufacturing industries is projected to quadruple to 2050, and water use by both thermal electricity generation and households is set to more than double.
Today, 783 million people around the world still do not have access to clean water and almost 2.5 billion live without adequate sanitation. On all fronts, more needs to be done to create a world where the human right to clean water and sanitation is fulfilled for all people. But there are many reasons for optimism. Attention to water issues is rising as a social, political, and development priority. The international community is now discussing the creation of new wise ambitions that will support the movement towards a sustainable and desirable world for all – the so called Post-2015 Development Agenda.
We also hope to contribute to improved cooperation and more concrete outcomes through the World Water Week on the same theme. In case you haven’t booked your tickets to Stockholm already, we offer our top ten reasons why we think your trip will be worth it. We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm!