
2024 | Netherlands | Water issue adressed: Too dirty

Biological Oxygen-Dosed Activated Carbon (BODAC) filters: A bioprocess for in water sustaining herbicide removal

Clean water is of vital importance. Micropollutants such as herbicides endanger the lives of non-targeted plants, mammals, humans, and aquatic life. This research addresses the removal of in water sustaining herbicide contaminants through the use of Biological Oxygen-Dosed Activated Carbon (BODAC), using a herbicide solution to, in turn, inquire the capabilities of sustainable and eco-friendly filtering method of BODAC and find a way of water detoxication.  

This is how I came up with the idea for this project:

I connected the current problem of water being polluted with pesticides and the possible purification method of Biological Oxygen-Dosed Activated Carbon (BODAC) by generally researching both elements after I came across them seperately.

Ania Andersch
Programme manager
+46 8 121 360 59


Biological Oxygen-Dosed Activated Carbon (BODAC) filters: A bioprocess for in water sustaining herbicide removal Clean water is of vital importance. Micropollutants such as herbicides endanger the lives of non-targeted plants, mammals, humans, and aquatic life. This research addresses the removal of in water sustaining herbicide contaminants through the use of Biological Oxygen-Dosed Activated Carbon (BODAC), using a herbicide solution to, in turn, inquire the capabilities of sustainable and eco-friendly filtering method of BODAC and find a way of water detoxication.