As water shortage is a big concern for Kazakhstan, water efficiency in livestock production is becoming of great importance for the country.
Traditional techniques to increase productivity of pastures for livestock with minimal use of water include rotation of pastures. As pasture area is decreasing, irrigation is applied. Irrigation is highly water consuming technic to ensure vegetation growth.
In our study we strive to unlock potential on new techniques for greenery production for horse breeding by utilizing a hydroponic system. Project outcomes confirm the applicability of the methods for DKC Horse Farm and could facilitate further research and actions to reduce water intake from natural sources for livestock production in Kazakhstan.
This is how I came up with the idea for this project:We live in an arid climate. Kazakhstan has limited water resources. The economic specialization of our country is animal husbandry and agriculture. Water resources in our country are extremely unevenly distributed. In Southern and central Kazakhstan, in the heads of livestock regions, there is an acute shortage of water.

Water Efficiency at Horse Farm in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is a country with great potential in the field of animal husbandry. However, lack of water management in livestock production, Republic of Kazakhstan is losing one of the development opportunities. The purpose of our project is to improve the efficiency of the use of water resources in animal husbandry in Kazakhstan. We do not want to lose any opportunity to solve the problem. Therefore, we decided to grow a product that will help not only farmers but the whole country , and maybe even the world! Hydroponic green food is our product. After conducting a lot of research on the example of Daukei Kokpar Club, we found out that hydroponic greenery has lots of advantages. And one of them is that it saves water!
Water Efficiency at Horse Farm in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is the ninth -largest country in the world. Most of the of 2.724.900 square kilometers territory is agricultural land and pastures for the livestoc