
My name is Balázs Kristóf, I come from a small village named, Gyulaháza and I have been attending to Bessenyei György Grammar School and Dormitory in Kisvárda. I am in the 10th grade and I study Chemistry and Biology on an advanced level. I can fluently speak English and I have a B2 Language exam in German, as well. For my future plans I would like to study at the University of Debrecen and become a doctor later in life.
Tell us what the water concern in your country is!The water is too dirty and it is contaminated.

Biorefinery of phosphorus from eutrophic water: A circular economy approach
Phosphorus is a vital nutrient for plant growth, playing a crucial role in various physiological processes, including energy transfer, nucleic acid synthesis, and root development. As an essential component of DNA, RNA, and ATP, phosphorus is indispensable for the overall health and productivity of plants. Despite its significance, phosphorus is considered a non-renewable resource with limited global reserves. The primary source of phosphorus is phosphate rock, and the extraction and production processes are energy-intensive. The finite nature of phosphorus resources raises concerns about future availability and sustainability, emphasizing the need for efficient phosphorus management. Thus, the present study, aims at benefit from the phosphorus present in eutrophic water through two aquatic plants (i.e., Pistia stratiotes and duckweed). This study investigates…