
I am a science student. I love learning about how things work and the factors involved. I feel passionate about my environment and it\’s well being. My major interests are in Agriculture and Engineering.
I was born and breed in Makoko where there is little or no source of clean, drinkable water. Makoko is a community surrounded by water but there is no clean water. The environment is literally a dumping area with one the worst drainage and sewage system which makes the situation of no clean drinkable water worse.
Tell us what the water concern in your country is!
My country, Nigeria, is a developing country so there are still a lot of rural areas here where residents lack a lot of things. One of which is access to clean drinkable water. I reside in one of this places where I and my siblings have walk long distances to get clean drinkable water at least twice a week. My situation can be considered fortunate because my family can still get drinkable water while for most it is the other way around. For those who can get clean drinkable water they spend thousands on clean drinkable water alone.
This is what I think is one of the solutions for a sustainable future:One of the solutions I propose is that at least two sources of clean, drinkable water should be provided in each community. This sources should be ones that are reliable and efficient, they should also have backups in other to avoid a situation were by the community is left with no source of drinkable water. This sources of clean, drinkable water should be properly maintained.

Bithermal Water Distillation Device
Their project ‘Bithermal Water Distillation Device’ used the readily available solar energy in the Tropics to purify water. The project was adjudged the best by the panel of jury because it has the ability to make potable water available to all because it is cost-effective, economically viable, practicable and scalable.