
Hello everyone! My name is Corentin! I’m from Switzerland.
I’m currently studying for my Maturité. After that, I want to continue my studies in civil engineering.
In my free time, running and the mountains occupy a special place. I love going running with my friends or my sister in the mountains. Otherwise, I really enjoy the field of mobility, particularly rail transport. And, of course, I’m passionate about water issues, which are becoming increasingly central to the debate. For me, being selected for this competition is an invaluable opportunity, as it will enable me to broaden my knowledge of new aspects of water resources!
Tell us what the water concern in your country is!Switzerland is sometimes referred to as Europe's water tower. There's nothing derisory about this nickname, given that Europe's 4 biggest rivers originate in our mountains, thanks to our many glaciers. Water is therefore an abundant resource. However, with global warming, this abundance could disappear.
This is what I think is one of the solutions for a sustainable future:In my opinion, the solution for a sustainable future would be to return to more local production and consumption. Going local offers a number of advantages, particularly in terms of reducing CO2 emissions by cutting down on transport and developing the economies of all the regions.

Water Supply in Alpine Environments: Analyzing Climate Change-Driven Challenges and Opportunities Based on Mountain Huts in French-Speaking Switzerland
The consequences of global warming, which are already visible in mountain environments such as the Alps, are having an impact on water availability. In this project I have developed a mapping tool to provide an overview of the water supply situation in mountain huts in Switzerland. This analysis concludes that the situation is not identical for all mountain huts. Indeed, each one is established in a unique environment and context. However, in the future, the issue of water supply will become central to every community on the planet, as global warming is a worldwide phenomenon. This study provides a local understanding of a global problem, focusing on its causes, issues and possible solutions.