
Hi, I’m Dante Moras Bórtoli. I’m 17 years old and I’m from Argentina. I study in a technical high school and I’m in the 5th year. I really like playing sports and I like them all, but my favorite is football. The person who made me love this sport is Lionel Andres Messi Cuccittini, I love him. I really like animals, I have two cats and a dog and I get along very well.
Tell us what the water concern in your country is!Although we often live in a city, we are unaware of the reality of other compatriots regarding access to water, this resource is not equitable in our country, unfortunately in many areas.

Microplastic Removal
Currently the existence of microplastics in different bodies of water is becoming a problem for the ecosystem of many species, including humans. For this reason, we evaluated the efficiency of ferrofluid as a technology for the extraction of microplastics in water samples.