
2022 | Israel | Student: 'Harel' High School, Mevasseret Zion

Idan Zilcha

Hi! My name is Idan – an eleventh-grade high school student at the Harel High School in Mevasseret Zion. I live in Neve Illan and in my free time I play basketball, learn computer science and have fun while dabbles in 3D printing. I’m a graduate of the Maimonides Fund’s Future Scientists Center, \’Alpha program\’ at the Hebrew university youth division in Jerusalm. Beside my long-lasting passion for science, I also enjoy Philosophy, Music and Math. My dream is to live in a world driven by scientists, philosophers and inventors who can ensure humanity’s progress towards a better future.

Tell us what the water concern in your country is!

Currently, Israel is over-consuming its water resources by 25 percent every year due to population growth and a general increase in the standard of living. This means that the water levels of Israel’s fresh water sources have been lowered with serious detriment to water quality and the destruction of ecosystems.

This is what I think is one of the solutions for a sustainable future:

Science is the key for humanity to deal with the climatic disasters that will wipe out the human race. Therefore, governments and individuals must invest in scientific research and technological developments that will find practical solutions to the problem alongside education aimed at raising public awareness and encouraging water conservation.

Ania Andersch
Programme manager
+46 8 121 360 59