
Freelance nature photographer & Young Scientist from Linköping, Sweden. Specializing in smart water solutions.
Tell us what the water concern in your country is!A considerable amount of people lack knowledge regarding the severe impacts that traditional agriculture farming has on our water resources.
This is what I think is one of the solutions for a sustainable future:Hydroponic systems!

Hydroponic Cultivation – Cultivation in Water That Saves Water?
One of the largest global contributors to rising sea levels is the water withdrawals, garnering a volume of 4 quadrillion liters annually, 72% of these withdrawals go directly to agricultural production. Therefore, this project aimed to examine the differences in water consumption in hydroponic- and traditional cultivations in order to determine if a transition into hydroponic cultivational methods could reduce the need for these withdrawals. The study found that water savings as large as 55% could be made in hydroponic cultivation in comparison to traditional cultivation. It was concluded that water savings as large as 33% could be made without affecting the mass of the harvest in the hydroponic cultivation, which also produced 52% more mass per liter of water.