
Hi! My name is Kirsti, I’m 18 years old and from the south of Norway
Tell us what the water concern in your country is!I am unsure what this question really asks about, but my project is about using molecular biological methods like LAMP and PCR for finding environmental DNA in lakes and oceans from the endangered species Anguilla Anguilla, more trivially known as the eel.
This is what I think is one of the solutions for a sustainable future:Automate the surveillance of waters to prevent extinction of species.

Is it possible to automatically monitor organisms in Norwegian waters?
The revolutionary FORDETECT technology has been developed to automatically detect eDNA in water in order to regulate unwanted species and map original species. This technology is still a prototype, which means it has not yet reached its full potential. Our project’s aim is therefore to compare the prototype of the automatic FORDETECT with two manual laboratory methods, PCR and LAMP. After a close examination of the results from the three amplification methods, we conclude that FORDETECT can become much more efficient and economically sustainable than traditional laboratory methods. However, further development of FORDETECT is needed before it reaches that point. We therefore strongly encourage the development of FORDETECT as it can ensure and maintain a high quality of life for…