
2020 | Hungary | Student: Radnóti Miklós experimental high school

Laszlo Török

I’m a 16 year old student. I’m interested in biology specially in surgery and in genetics. I would like to continue my studies in Hungary in a medical university. When I was invited to this competition i was very happy. I think it’s a good way to learn how to run a project and manage a team.

My project

Tell us what the water concern in your country is!

I think two problems stand out from the rest. One is algal blooming cause in Hungary there are more than 3500 lakes. The other problem is water pollution this makes our rivers smell disgusting and unable to bath in them and also increases algal bloom.

This is what I think is one of the solutions for a sustainable future:

I think first we should stop polluting our freshwaters cause that causes the most problem. Cause of that many species disappear. We shouldn't build that much water power plant but instead, build more sun collectors.

Ania Andersch
Programme manager
+46 8 121 360 59