Hello everyone, I’m Arif, 17 years old from Malaysia. I love to explore Science and technology. I am more into engineering, product and digital design and video editing. I love challenging activities and always learning to enhance my skill. I hope through this event, we can exchange ideas, gain more knowledge beside making more friends in SJWP 2022. All the best and have fun!
Tell us what the water concern in your country is!Though Malaysia is endowed with abundant water resources, the country is experiencing increased demand for water in recent years. The study found that the demand for water in Malaysia has increased for agricultural, industrial and domestic purposes.
Mechatronic Fertigation
The implementation of Movement Control Order (MCO) during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021 has affected the production process of agricultural produce due to labour shortage. Agricultural workers were unable to come to work to care for crops. At the same time, the MCO has also given opportunities for budding farmers who began to show interest in gardening and making profit. Starting from mid-2020, our school has established a small farm using fertigation farming to generate income. Fertigation, formed by two words – fertilization and irrigation; is a concept that relies on using the present irrigation line operating in existing field to inject plants with the desired fertilizers. From this idea, we have designed and proposed an automatic plant watering system,…