
2023 | Sri Lanka | Student: DreamSpace Academy

Nithushan Mohan

I\’m Nithushan Mohan, a passionate grade 10 student at Batticaloa Vipulananda Vidyalayam. Technology and computer science have always captivated me, and I\’m currently a trainee software enthusiast, skilled in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and Python. Beyond programming, I\’m fascinated by emerging technologies like AI, deep learning, and machine learning, which have immense potential for transforming industries and solving complex problems. My interest in material science has also grown, recognizing the importance of advanced materials and their properties. As a dedicated learner, I strive for continuous growth, aiming to contribute to the ever-evolving world of technology through exploration and innovation.

Tell us what the water concern in your country is!

Periodic droughts have affected Sri Lanka, impacting agricultural activities, hydroelectric power generation, and overall water availability. Drought conditions can lead to crop failures, reduced access to safe drinking water, and socio-economic challenges for affected communities.

This is what I think is one of the solutions for a sustainable future:

One of the solutions for a sustainable future is promoting renewable energy sources and transitioning away from fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydropower, and geothermal energy, offer numerous benefits for achieving sustainability.

Ania Andersch
Programme manager
+46 8 121 360 59