
2021 | Thailand | Student: Damrongratsongkroh School

Thanawit Namjaidee    

Hello. My name is Thanawit Namjaidee. I am representative from Thailand. I am studying at Damrongratsongkroh School. I am a young creative scientist.

Tell us what the water concern in your country is!

The problem of having too little water, there was a shortage result from deforestation, less the amount of rain, drought, damage crops, and animal husbandry. The problem of having too much water as a result of excessive logging causing flooding in the rainy season damage life and property.

This is what I think is one of the solutions for a sustainable future:

1. Prevention refers to the protection of resources that can self-regenerate. In order to have the rate of resource utilization at a level that can be renewed in time 2. Correction and restoration Correction refers to the correction or repair of the degradation or degradation of the environment and natural resources.Restoration is defined as taking action on reduced or degraded resources that can be reinstated by blocking the disruption of the environmental system.

Ania Andersch
Programme manager
+46 8 121 360 59