
I am a high school student interested in physics and basic sciences. I want to further my future career in this field. First of all, I aim to create practical solutions to the world’s fundamental problems through science. In addition, after I have acquired sufficient knowledge of mathematics and physics, I want to work in high-level fields such as nanotechnology and high energy physics, which will form the theoretical infrastructure of practical solutions. My career goal is to become a chief scientist or project director in one of the prestigious laboratories in the world. I lay the foundations of this at the high school level. I try to represent my country in the best way possible in international competitions.
Tell us what the water concern in your country is!The inefficient use of water in agriculture and industry is the biggest problem of our country about water concern. Although efforts are made to encourage the efficient use water under the supervision of state institutions, especially DSI, these efforts are in vain because there isn’t serious awareness among the public.
This is what I think is one of the solutions for a sustainable future:The materials in the world are not unlimited, so the materials we use in various applications should be recycled instead of being considered waste. Currently, only 10% of the tons of materials consumed every year in the world can be recycled. Increasing this rate is of great importance.

Petrochemical wastewater is generated as a result of many processes carried out in facilities, from extraction to processing of oil. These petrochemical wastewaters, which contain many substances harmful to both human health and the environment. As a solution to this problem, we designed a plasma water treatment system that can simultaneously apply all advanced oxidation processes such as O3, H2O2 and UV, and accordingly, the Fe3O4/CuO-TiO2/rGO photocatalyst, which will contribute to the formation of free radicals by absorbing the light emitted by the plasma between 200-800 nm has been synthesized. Afterwards, we treated the petrochemical waste sludge that we received from the refinery in the hybrid AOP water treatment system we created with a plasma reactor and photocatalyst, purifying it…