
My name is Victoria Niska. I am 19 years old living in Umeå, a city located in the North of Sweden. Alongside an interest for both space and science, I share a great passion in listening to music and sports. I am a competitive swimmer therefore I spend a big portion of my time training with my friends at the pool. I also love tropical beaches! Perhaps it is safe to say that I enjoy water.

PFOA: Threat to vegetation?
PFAS and their impact on plants and animals is a hot debate. Southeast Asia being the world’s largest textile producer, contributes greatly in water pollution through hazardous waste. PFAS are a group of persistent chemical compounds with destructive properties that affect our ecosystems. Studies show high concentrations of PFOA, a type of PFAS, coming from Bangladesh’s textile industry of which measured values exceed Europe’s limits. The purpose of the project was to investigate how cress growth is affected by PFOA. This was achieved through cultivating cress plants on agarose gels prepared with different concentrations of the chemical. During analysis, it was observed that cress had a delayed germination and grew significantly worse at high levels of PFOA in dependent cultivations.