

The Accountability for Sustainability programme is expanding globally. SIWI offers technical support, knowledge, and training to strengthen UNICEF’s WASH activities at both country and district level.

The partnership has proved successful at systematically improving accountability and creating an enabling environment within UNICEF WASH programming.

The programme includes:

  • Conducting and documenting water, sanitation, and hygiene bottleneck analyses through the WASH BAT process, taking into consideration climate risks.
  • Supporting the creation of an enabling environment. This includes aspects such as accountability (concept and mapping tool) and regulation (the WASHREG Approach), policies and strategies, coordination, budget, and financing.
  • Improving accountability activities in programming, with a link also to Enabling Environment and Human Rights perspectives.
  • Generating evidence and technical support for implementing Sustainability Checks and the Sustainability Framework and upcoming Sector-Wide Sustainability Checks.
  • Providing desk support to UNICEF country offices and headquarters to develop and review relevant tools and processes.
  • Providing technical assistance to countries about governance issues.
  • Developing guidance and technical briefs.
  • Organizing regional and national trainings or workshops and global learning webinars.
  • Developing knowledge and evidence papers.