SIWI works with the UNICEF and UNDP headquarters as well as with their regional offices and country offices. A key question in all activities is what constitutes an enabling environment for good water governance and how this can be achieved.
SIWI offers tools and guidance on how to improve regulations, systems, and institutions. The aim is to strengthen efficiency and accountability for long-term sustainability. One example is the WASHBAT tool, which helps water utilities identify and address bottlenecks in their operations. Accountability mapping, regulations, and service delivery arrangements are other important topics.
UNICEF and UNDP are active across the world. That is why it is especially important to learn how water governance principles can be applied in fragile contexts.
SIWI provides expertise on how WASH services can be delivered also under challenging circumstances. This is important for humanitarian reasons and to ensure that conflicts are not exacerbated because armed groups can gain ground by exploiting people’s lack of water.

The Accountability for Sustainability Programme is a partnership between SIWI, UNICEF and the UNDP-SIWI Water Governance Facility, focused on improved governance for better water and sanitation services.
UNDP-SIWI Water Governance FacilityWASH Accountability in Fragile contexts
This Concept Note, the fifth in a series, deepens the analysis of accountability actors and relations around WASH service provision in fragile contexts.
Read the Concept Note