Conference.14 Nov 2022, 14:00 - 15:00 EET

Accelerating effective solutions for biosaline agriculture

Among several topics, the event will highlight the importance of building the capacity of farmers to better adapt and mitigate climate change.

The African farmer is our frontline water manager, the actions she takes on her field impacts soil erosion, sedimentation and groundwater recharge. By improving the capture of rainwater on her field as well as the surrounding area – such as from rooftops, in sand dams and shallow aquifers, it is possible to increase the soil moisture content and make supplementary water available during dry spells.

Catch this event to hear from Anton Earle of SIWI who will present about Transforming Investments in African Rainfed Agriculture or the TIARA project.

TIARA aims to strengthen the business case for investing in improved rainfed agriculture, supporting farmers to manage the soil and capture rainfall and ultimately improve household food security and resilience to climate change. Investing in improved rainfed agriculture has the added benefits of better soil and water conservation at catchment scale as well as stimulating local agricultural value chains, representing a triple bottom-line return on investment. The business case will make a compelling argument for governments in Africa, development finance institutions and the private sector to make substantial investments in the sector. This is of great consequence as currently 95% of investment in African agriculture goes to irrigation, but 95% of farmers on the continent rely on rainfed farming.

Agriculture and waterWater and climate
14 Nov 2022, 14:00 - 15:00 EET
Online, Sharm El Sheikh (Egypt)
COP 27 logo - Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt 2022 (sandand blue colours)
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Join us at COP27

To share new knowledge about water and climate, SIWI will be taking active part in the global climate conference COP27 between 6 and 18 November. Join our programme online to learn about a promising new generation of climate solutions.