Seminar.09 Nov 2022, 13:15 - 14:00 CET

Our Common Water Resources: Managing Water Streams from Source to Sea

How can we work towards holistic management of water resources? What are the hurdles in this work? And is managing water from source to sea part of the solution?  

The sun setting over a river in a mountain wilderness. Jamtland, Sweden
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The Source-to-Sea approach, a concept developed by SIWI together with partners in the Action Platform for Source-to-Sea Management, recognizes the linkages between land, freshwater, coasts and oceans. In this webinar we will discuss how Swedish and global actors work upstream and downstream along catchment areas to ensure healthy waters and oceans.


  • Ruth Mathews, Senior Manager & Coordinator of S2S platform at SIWIWhy is source to sea management needed, and what are the challenges in this work? 
  • Jens Fölster, Lead Researcher at SLU  – What is the role of academia and research in source to sea management? Are there knowledge gaps, and what are the solutions to fill those gaps? 
  • Rosemari Herrero, Business Manager at Race for the BalticHow does RFTB work with water management from source to sea? What can be learnt from the work done this far?

Moderator: Thomas Rebermark, Director at Swedish Water House, SIWI 

Source-to-SeaSwedish Water House
09 Nov 2022, 13:15 - 14:00 CET

About the ‘Our Common Water Resources’ webinar series

In a Swedish context, we have long been used to having access to freshwater, and it is often perceived as an infinite resource. But challenges such as too much, too little, and too dirty water are predicted to be more common in the future, both within Swedish regions and on a global scale. 

How do Swedish and global actors work with water resources? What are the solutions for wise water management? This fall, join SIWI’s Swedish Water House for a webinar series on exploring how we can better manage our common waters.