UNDP Water, Sanitation and Hygiene portfolio
Through programmes like MDG GoAL WASH, Cap-Net, the Community Water Initiative, Every Drop Matters, the MDG Spanish Fund, and the Millennium Acceleration Framework, UNDP promotes and facilitates equitable access to water and sanitation services as a fundamental contribution to enhancing human development.
Together with government, civil society, the private sector and other development partners, UNDP supports:
- Coordination of country assistance by UN and other development partners;
- Incorporation of water and sanitation into national development planning;
- Governance and policy reform for enhanced water supply and sanitation access;
- Special attention to fragile states, where water and sanitation challenges are greatest, and UNDP may be one of the few actors present;
- Climate resilient WASH, to ensure services will be sustained in the face of environmental pressure;
- Local delivery of water supply and sanitation services through community-based initiatives;
- Networks such as Global Water Solidarity and Sanitation Water for All, mobilising political will and resources into the sector;
- Capacity building of institutions and practitioners.
All UNDP’s country projects are run by national managers, resident in country, thereby ensuring cultural awareness and local ownership of the development process. With contacts at the highest level in government, UNDP is in a unique position to support the reform process and develop appropriate new WASH policies and plans.