World Water Week 2019: Programme

We, the water community, have said for years that the water goal is the foundation upon which all SDGs can be delivered. That without it, the others are not possible. Through this year’s theme, Water for society: Including all, we are not only focused on issues pertaining to water, but also how to collectively achieve the overall 2030 Agenda. We will put a special focus on marginalized and vulnerable groups to ensure that no decision about them, is taken without them. Good water governance will be crucial at every step and will require us to critically examine existing social norms and power relations and discuss how we can better uphold values of transparency, accountability and participation.
Let’s venture beyond the familiar and engage with communities that we often talk “about”, but not “with” – communities such as youth, indigenous peoples, and the technology sector. Business as usual will not be enough.
We need to be innovative and disruptive in our approaches. We need to act now, and together.
I invite you to be part of the World Water Week movement. Welcome to our new venue in Stockholm!