2022 | Denmark | Student: Risskov Gymnasium

Karolin Janina Demtröder

I am a 19-year-old girl living in Denmark. In June 2022 I finished high school and am now looking forward to attending the University of Aarhus. When I’m not studying, I like to cook and also, I love to play soccer and have been playing for 15 years. Furthermore, I love to travel and to learn about different cultures. I am inquisitive, and deeply interested in exploring and understanding how variations in the climate translates into ecosystem changes and interacts with the living organisms. One of my future dreams is it to contribute to sustainable management of fisheries and marine ecosystems.

Tell us what the water concern in your country is!

Denmark’s intense agriculture releases lots of nitrates into ground water and the sea. Overfertilization in combination with increasing water temperatures causes uncontrolled growth of algae which in return reduces oxygen content and kills marine species. Also, the Danish coastal waters have been excessively fished, and many domestic species are threatened.