
Synthesis report: Review of Goals, Strategies and Cross-Cutting Themes

The report provides an overview of the goals, strategies and cross-cutting themes of 11 water governance programmes implemented between 2010 and 2013, financed by the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F). The report also outlines the setting of the programmes and concerns the programmes had in common.

Focus areas of the country programmes include:

  • To strengthen governments’ capacity to manage water provision and water quality.
  • To involve civil society representatives and enhance the role of women in planning and policies regarding water.
  • To support regulatory reforms, decentralisation and capacity development for improved services.
  • To establish mechanisms for increasing investments into the water sector.

The 11 water governance programmes presented in the report aim to democratise access to utility services and to improve the governance in the water and sanitation sectors. The overarching goal is to accelerate progress worldwide towards achieving the MDG water and sanitation target.

The present report is one of the knowledge products developed by the Democratic Economic Governance Knowledge Management initiative (DEG-KM), led by WGF and financed by the MDG-F. The purpose of the knowledge management initiative was to ensure that the experiences that emerge from the formulation, implementation and monitoring of the programmes were documented, shared and used for future initiatives.

The purpose of this synthesis report is to:

  • Provide an overview of the substantive issues being addressed in the joint programmes of the DEG thematic area.
  • Share cross-programme information and enhance the cross-programme learning.
  • Identify cross-cutting themes and common concerns for discussion and potential further study.

How to cite: KJELLÉN, M. and SEGERSTRÖM, R. 2011. JP Synthesis: Review of Goals, Strategies, Cross-Cutting Themes and Common Concerns. UNDP-SIWI Water Governance Facility. Stockholm: SIWI.

January 2010
Latin America and the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe, South Asia
English, Spanish