
The WASHREG approach Action Sheets
The WASH Regulation (WASHREG) Approach is a tool intended to help understand the elements of WASH regulation within a broader enabling environment for effective and sustainable WASH service delivery.
These WASHREG Action Sheets, organized around different areas of regulation, offer a rich practical guidance and multiple examples to describe how regulation can be put in practice. With already nearly 60 Action sheets, and almost 190 examples from all regions in the world, the Action Sheets will continue to evolve and capture emerging experiences about the regulation of water and sanitation services.
Download all the Action Sheets in PDF The WASHREG Approach: Good Practices in Rural Areas

The WASHReg Actions Sheets have been produced under the Accountability for Sustainability partnership between UNICEF and SIWI. The World Health Organization and the Inter-American Development Bank provided substantial inputs to the development of the WASHREG Approach package. Sida has funded the development of the action sheets for Latin America and the Caribbean Region under the GO-Water programme.
Know more about the WASHReg Approach9
Action Card : CO2A
Oversee operators’ tendering and contracting processes, modifications, terminations, reconfigurations, and mergers
Operators’ competition behaviour is audited through collected legal and contractual informationAction Card : CO1B
Ensure healthy competition through equal treatment of all operators within the scope of public procurement
Water and sanitation service legislation and regulations are aligned with public competition policiesConsumer Protection
Action Card : CP1B
Develop procedures to establish water consumer spaces at utility level
There are clear rules regarding the interface between consumers and operatorsAction Card : CP1A
Define and establish consumer protection policies
There are clear rules regarding the interface between consumers and operatorsEnvironment
Action Card : EN3A
Penalize actors for their non-compliance with environmental legislation and policies
Water abstractors and polluters are sanctioned when committing environmental infringementsAction Card : EN2E
Establish mechanisms for receiving and dealing with citizen complaints related to water resources use
Environmental compliance of water and wastewater service operators, industries and agriculture is monitored through collected information on the status of water resources, its use and protectionAction Card : EN2D
Develop inspection protocols for water abstraction and discharge points and receiving water bodies
Environmental compliance of water and wastewater service operators, industries and agriculture is monitored through collected information on the status of water resources, its use and protectionAction Card : EN2C
Raise public awareness on the rational use of water
Environmental compliance of water and wastewater service operators, industries and agriculture is monitored through collected information on the status of water resources, its use and protectionAction Card : EN2B
Develop systematic approaches for routinely sharing water resources information with the public
Environmental compliance of water and wastewater service operators, industries and agriculture is monitored through collected information on the status of water resources, its use and protectionAction Card : EN2A
Establish and manage water resources abstraction and effluent discharge registers
Environmental compliance of water and wastewater service operators, industries and agriculture is monitored through collected information on the status of water resources, its use and protectionAction Card : EN1C
Establish environmental protection zones, associated rules, and regulatory compliance procedures
Regulatory requirements for water abstraction and management of faecal sludge, effluent or wastewater are in placeAction Card : EN1B
Define mechanisms for the approval of water abstraction rights and wastewater effluent discharge permits
Regulatory requirements for water abstraction and management of faecal sludge, effluent or wastewater are in placeAction Card : EN1A
Set standards for quality of effluent discharges arising from wastewater services
Regulatory requirements for water abstraction and management of faecal sludge, effluent or wastewater are in placePublic Health
Action Card : PH4B
Initiate administrative infringement procedures against non-compliant drinking water service operators and impose adequate sanctions
Penalty systems are adopted and enforced to penalize service operators for actions that infringe legal provisions on drinking water qualityAction Card : PH4A
Identify and investigate drinking water safety regulatory compliance failures and provide instructions for remediation measures
Penalty systems are adopted and enforced to penalize service operators for actions that infringe legal provisions on drinking water qualityAction Card : PH2F
Develop protocols for inspecting laboratories undertaking regulatory compliance analyses, in conjunction with respective accreditation bodies
Regulatory compliance with water and sanitation safety plans is monitored through collected information on water qualityAction Card : PH2E
Develop inspection and audit protocols to ensure compliance with approved water and sanitation safety plans
Regulatory compliance with water and sanitation safety plans is monitored through collected information on water qualityAction Card : PH2D
Establish drinking water quality failure event management procedures and protocols
Regulatory compliance with water and sanitation safety plans is monitored through collected information on water qualityAction Card : PH2C
Develop fact sheets on health implications of priority drinking water contaminants
Regulatory compliance with water and sanitation safety plans is monitored through collected information on water qualityAction Card : PH2B
Periodically develop publicly available regulatory updates and water quality compliance reports
Regulatory compliance with water and sanitation safety plans is monitored through collected information on water qualityAction Card : PH1D
Develop and maintain registers of authorized laboratories to perform water quality analyses
There are rules ensuring public health standards for safe drinking water and sanitationAction Card : PH2A
Develop procedures to collect information required to regulate drinking water quality and water and sanitation safety plans
Regulatory compliance with water and sanitation safety plans is monitored through collected information on water qualityAction Card : PH1C
Establish regulatory frameworks and guidelines for water and sanitation safety plans
There are rules ensuring public health standards for safe drinking water and sanitationAction Card : PH1B
Establish water quality regulatory compliance monitoring and reporting protocols
There are rules ensuring public health standards for safe drinking water and sanitationAction Card : PH1A
Define drinking water quality standards
There are rules ensuring public health standards for safe drinking water and sanitationService quality regulation
Action Card : SQ3B
Establish systems of sanctions for non-adherence of operators to service norms and regulations
Facilitate adherence to service requirements, and continuous improvement in service provisionAction Card : SQ2C
Conduct regular audits to check service quality indicators
Establish mechanisms for monitoring adherence to service requirementsAction Card : SQ1B
Establish policies and procedures for the provision of good quality services
Define service requirements to be met by operatorsAction Card : SQ1A
Define service quality standards and indicators for operators
Define service requirements to be met by operatorsTariff setting
Action Card : TS3B
Apply sanctions under the terms set out in legislation
Administrative infringement proceedings against uncompliant operators are in placeAction Card : TS2D
Monitor economic and financial performance indicators at operator and national level
Compliance with approved tariffs and performance is monitored through financial and operational information received from operatorsAction Card : TS2A