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231 News
Close-Up Photo of Plastic Bottle on a sandy beach with blurred ocean in the background
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News.Feb 24, 2023

Source-to-sea approach to prevent plastic pollution. What can we learn to strengthen resilience?

Dr Malin Lundberg Ingemarsson presenting the newly launched report at the Water Pavilion during COP27
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Blog.Nov 14, 2022

Climate mitigation cannot succeed without water

Alejandro Jiménez, SIWI, head of Water and Sanitation Department, presentating at the Middle East and North Africa Regional Climate Week in March 2022
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News.Jun 17, 2022

First Middle East Climate Week opens opportunities to address regional climate change drivers

tove dushanbe
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Blog.Jun 09, 2022

Speech | The role of good water governance in resilience

white sandy beach with greenery on the background
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News.Jun 07, 2022

World Ocean Day: Saving the ocean starts on land

Illustration of several women seated across a river pouring from a cup held by a woman. On a starry night with a half moon, they are carrying diamonds and there is one who is with a basket of fruit.
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Insight.May 11, 2022

Across the Nile and around the table: Women with a shared dream

DRC-Kivu-waterpoint-01-credit ADelepiere
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News.Dec 15, 2021

Towards holistic sustainability checks for water, sanitation and hygiene

Hammerforsen dam discharge, during the flood period, Sweden
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Blog.Dec 10, 2021

Human rights and water resources for a healthy and sustainable environment: What SIWI does in the field

Fisherman of Mekong river in action when fishing of sunrise
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Blog.Dec 06, 2021

The human right to a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable environment: the legal nitty-gritty

Indian gambler from Yang with a palate in a traditional canoe, green natural rainforest with mangrove background, Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, Tufi
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Blog.Dec 01, 2021

Human rights, water resources, and governance for a healthy and sustainable environment

Picture of beach with trees and umbrellas
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News.Nov 30, 2021

How can cities become more water resilient?

trees during a beautiful red sunset. Slovakia (Photo: portvis)
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Blog.Nov 05, 2021

Analysis of NDC enhancement: Possible gaps

Landscape double rainbow in the mountains (Photo: Forest lynx)
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Blog.Nov 04, 2021

Analysis of NDC enhancement: Integrative approaches

Mitchell Plateau, WA, Australia - May31, 2015: An indigenous Australian woman from the local Kandiwal community sits beside a prisitne outback river. (Photo: Philip Schubert)
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Blog.Nov 03, 2021

Analysis of NDC enhancement: Increased role for water and water-related activities

Global warming concept. Dry cracks in the land, serious water shortages. Drought concept. (Photo: Phonix_a Pk.sarote)
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Blog.Nov 02, 2021

Analysis of NDC enhancement: First impressions

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News.Jun 11, 2021

Launching the Women Water Champions Compendium